Studies from NASA and other researchers have proven that plants help purify the air in your home. They do this through a  process called photosynthesis and respiration by taking in carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other toxins and then converting them into oxygen.

The plants I list below are considered to be natural air filters because they can purify air through absorption, dilution, precipitation, and filtration (Kim et al., 2018; Lee, Hadibarata, and Yuniarto 2020). This is also known by the term, “Phytoremediation”, which describes the various techniques by which they clear the environment of pollutants (Pilon-Smits 2005).

They can also reduce airborne viruses like Covid and other harmful microbes such as toxic mold in the environment.

Here are the top 20 air-cleaning plants:

1. Areca Palm

2. Money Plant

3. Spider Plant

4. Snake Plant

5. Rubber plant

6. Pothos Plant (Devil’s Ivy)

7. Red-edged Dracaena or Dragon Tree

8. Monstera Plant

9. Aloe Vera

10. Peace Lily

11. English Ivy

12. Gerber Daisy

13. Lady Palm

14. Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)

15. Lemon Balm

16. Hysop

17. Chrysanthemums

18. Bamboo Palm

19. Boston Fern

20. Weeping Fig

Now, let’s go over the details of each of these plants I listed above so you can find the best ones for your home or office.

Areca Palm

The Areca Palm plant is great for cleaning indoor air for several reasons.

It is very efficient at removing carbon dioxide from the air and replacing it with oxygen. This is important because carbon dioxide levels can build up indoors, especially if there are a lot of people in a space.

They are one of the best plants for removing formaldehyde from the air because they thrive in high indoor temperatures (greater than 60 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Areca Palm plant is also known for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. This can be a great benefit in an indoor environment where people may be under a lot of stress.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants help remove benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air, according to NASA studies. These chemicals are found in tobacco smoke, car exhaust, and other sources of pollution.

This common tropical houseplant is native to Africa and Asia. The spider plant gets its name from its long stems that look like spider legs when they’re hanging down from their pots. The spider plant is also easy to grow indoors and tolerates low-light conditions well.

This makes it a great choice for beginners who don’t have much experience with growing houseplants. Just make sure there’s enough room for this plant; it can grow very large.

Money Plant

The money plant is a powerful natural cleaner that can be used to help purify the air in your home or office. It has been used by Chinese people for centuries as an air-purifier and it’s one of the most popular houseplants they grow.

Money plants are very easy to grow indoors, and they’ll thrive in any medium-light environment. They’re also low maintenance – they don’t need much water or fertilizer, and they don’t need to be pruned or kept warm like other houseplants do.

Snake Plant

The snake plant can help remove formaldehyde, which is found in furniture and building materials. Formaldehyde is one of the most dangerous chemicals used in industry today and some people are sensitive to it.

The snake plant can also remove other toxins from your home like benzene and trichloroethylene (TCE), which are both found in paint, cleaning products and even vehicle exhaust fumes.

The Snake Plant is also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue or Lady’s Slipper. It is native to India and grows in cold climates where it can be found growing along riversides, streams and ponds. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century by French aristocrat Madame de Pompadour who grew them in her gardens.

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants are a beautiful, easy-to-grow houseplant that can help clean indoor air.

The rubber plant, or Ficus elastica, is a tropical fig tree native to South and Southeast Asia. It grows up to 60 feet tall and produces glossy green leaves that are leathery and thick with a large surface area for absorbing pollutants from the air. The tree also produces a sticky latex sap that’s secreted by its leaves when they’re cut or damaged.

The rubber plant has been shown to help clean indoor air by removing toxins like benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene (TCE). These chemicals are common in many household products like cleaning supplies, dryer sheets and permanent markers — so having one or two plants around can help neutralize their presence in your home.

Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Among all of the different plants that can be used to purify indoor air, the pothos plant is one of the most effective. Also known as the devil’s ivy, this vine plant is known for its ability to thrive in low light conditions and its capacity to produce beautiful, variegated leaves.

But in addition to being a beautiful addition to any home, the pothos plant also does an excellent job of cleansing the air.

The study by NASA found that pothos plants are particularly adept at removing formaldehyde from the air, making them ideal for use in homes where there may be elevated levels of this potentially harmful substance. In addition to formaldehyde, pothos plants can also help to remove other toxins such as benzene and xylene from the air, making them an excellent choice for those looking to create a healthier indoor environment.

Dragon Tree (Red-edged Dracaena)

The Dragon Tree is also known as Dracaena marginata and it’s an indoor plant that can clean air. It’s easy to grow, doesn’t need much light, and it’s easy to care for. The Dragon Tree is a popular houseplant because it has green leaves that look like spikes on the ends of each stalk.


The monstera plant is a great way to purify the air in your home. Not only does it look great, but it also filters out harmful toxins and pollutants. The monstera plant is native to the tropical rainforests of Central America, and its large leaves are highly efficient at trapping dust and other particles.

These plants are all known for their ability to filter out harmful toxins from the air. In particular, the monstera plant is known for its ability to remove formaldehyde from the air.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most popular houseplants for good reason. It’s easy to grow, it has beautiful leaves, and it can even heal skin wounds! The plant produces enzymes that absorb toxins from the air in your home and also releases oxygen at night when it needs less light

The sap from the leaves of aloe vera plants has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This plant is known for its soothing effect on the skin and may help reduce allergies and asthma symptoms.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are one of the most popular houseplants because they’re so easy to grow and maintain.

A study from NASA found that they can remove formaldehyde from indoor air. Formaldehyde is a common indoor air pollutant resulting from many household materials and products, including particleboard furniture, carpets and wall paneling. The Peace Lily has been shown to absorb formaldehyde fumes from the air.

Peace Lilies are also known to filter out benzene, trichloroethylene and xylene. These three chemicals are often found in cleaning products such as paint thinners, lacquers and adhesives, as well as in some household paints.

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy (Hedera helix) is a common houseplant that is also used as a ground cover in gardens. English ivy is part of the Araliaceae family, which includes other well-known plants such as ginseng and holly. It is a climbing vine that can reach up to 100 feet in length. The plant has dark green, heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers. English ivy is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

English ivy is an evergreen climbing vine that grows vigorously outdoors as well as indoors, so it’s a good choice if you want something that can climb up walls or trellises without much effort on your part! They help remove formaldehyde from the air in addition to other harmful chemicals like xylene and trichloroethylene.

They are also easy to care for, and they are tolerant of low light and low humidity.

Gerbera Daisy

According to the NASA study, within 24 hours, the gerbera daisy had removed half of the airborne formaldehyde, 67% of the benzene and 35% of the trichloroethylene from the indoor air. That is very impressive!

Gerber daisies or gerberas are great for indoor growing indoors. They will liven up your home with their brightly colored flowers in shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, and lavender.

This plant is a member of the Asteraceae family, which includes many other popular household plants, such as daisies and asters. The Gerber Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) is native to South Africa and has been hybridized for more than 100 years.

Broad lady palm

Broad lady palm, or Rhapis excelsa, is a species of palm that originates from Asia. Studies have shown that Broad lady palm is effective at removing formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, and benzene from the air.

Additionally, the plant has been shown to increase humidity levels, which can help to ease respiratory problems such as dry coughs and sore throats. Broad lady palm is a low-maintenance plant that does not require direct sunlight or frequent watering. As a result, it is an ideal choice for those looking for a easy-to-care-for plant that can improve indoor air quality.

Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)

Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii) is a popular indoor plant that is not only easy to care for, but also helps to purify the air. Native to Southeast Asia, Dwarf Date Palm is an evergreen that can grow up to six feet tall. The Dwarf Date Palm gets its name from its small, compact leaves, which are arranged in a spiraling pattern.

Studies have shown that Dwarf Date Palm is effective at removing formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds from the air. Formaldehyde is a common indoor pollutant that can cause headaches, dizziness, and eye irritation. By reducing formaldehyde levels, Dwarf Date Palm can help to create a healthier indoor environment. .

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm contains limonene, a compound that has been shown to be effective in reducing indoor air pollution. In addition, Lemon Balm has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to purify the air and reduce the spread of illness.

It is also known for its calming effect on the nervous system, making it an ideal plant for use in bedrooms and other relaxation areas.


The Hysop plant has long been used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory problems. It is also effective at removing harmful pollutants from the air, including VOCs, formaldehyde, and benzen

The hysop plant is a low-maintenance plant that can be easily grown indoors. It requires little water and can tolerate low light levels.


You can find many varieties of this plant that thrive in most climates. It has been shown that chrysanthemums have a positive effect on indoor air quality by removing benzene, trichloroethylene, and xylene from the air.

Chrysanthemums can be planted outdoors or indoors and they require little care or maintenance once they are established

Bamboo Palm

This plant is a great choice if you have children or pets because it’s nearly indestructible! It also helps filter formaldehyde from the air, which is often found in cleaning products and personal care products like shampoo and conditioner.

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata “Bostoniensis”)

Boston Ferns help remove toxins such as formaldehyde from the air. This tropical evergreen fern is an excellent choice for those who don’t have much natural light coming into their homes during the winter months or who live in apartments where they can’t control their sunlight exposure.

Boston Ferns release oxygen at night when they don’t need as much light as other plants do during the day—making them perfect for low-light areas of your home or office space.

Weeping fig

Weeping figs are native to Africa, Asia, and Australia, and they have been used for centuries to help purify indoor spaces. They are easy to care for and require very little maintenance.

The plant is also believed to have stress-relieving properties. This is due to the fact that weeping fig plants produce negative ions.

These negative ions have been shown to have a positive effect on mood and reduce stress levels.


As you can see, plants are a natural way to purify the air in your home. Not only do they help improve air quality, but they also add beauty and life to any space.

And best of all, most of the plants listed above are easy to care for – even if you’re not green-thumbed.



National Science Foundation (NSF)



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